tirsdag 23. mars 2010

The insanity of secterism

Last night, me and my girlfriend went over to visit her sister. She is of course laestadian herself.

We ended up having quite a long disqussion about religion, and she did at several points confront my beliefs. Of course it didn't lead her anyway, but It gave me the oportunity to confront her as well. That didn't lead anyway either, but the resulting comments was very disturbing. I reminded her that her father, who'm is a minister, had said during his last speech that humans could't do things that are good by themselves. Beneath this, it's basicly saying that humans are evil... To my suprise, she actually confirmed this... She really believes that humans are in them selves not able to do good, humans are basicly evil. I replied quite disturbed that I would never consider my girlfriend anything but good, fantastic and wonderfull, and at the same time I said that I would never, ever view her as evil.

Thinking about this now, in retroperspecitve... How awfull! How terrible it must be to really believe that you are bad, not becouse you are a bad person, but becouse people in general are bad. There is no way of escaping being evil. I have spoken of this sect as a curse erlier on, and this just makes it so much more clear. This is a curse, and a terrible one at that. I don't know what to do... I seriously need help.

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